
Our Story

The origin and growth of Cameroons leading voice on wildlife conservation

The Beginning

The process of establishing African Wildlife Rescue Center (AWC) began in 1992 after several unsuccessful attempts by non-state actors in the sector to establish a national representative forum that would convene and advance the aspirations and interests of communities and private landowners living with wildlife.
However, the strides that commenced the journey of developing a national grassroots conservancy movement in Cameroon dates back to the mid-1990s when efforts towards wildlife policy, and legislative and institutional reforms in Cameroon were reviewed and formulated.
It was envisaged that the registration and institutionalisation of an independent national organisation for wildlife conservation and management would lead to a structured and coordinated industry, which would contribute to the sustainable management of biodiversity and empowerment of community and private landowners.


Fast forward to 2010… the promulgation of the Constitution provided for a decentralised system of governance for the management of wildlife resources in non-protected areas by landowners.
This saw a renewed vigor to establish a national conservation association to advance wildlife conservancy issues through policy advocacy at the national and regional levels, partnership with private sector and support from the international community.
The draft of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Bill of 2011 and the Conservancy Regulations of 2012 both explicitly recommended devolution of rights to landholders and the institutionalisation of the wildlife industry in Cameroon.
Buoyed up by this development, stakeholders in the wildlife sector, led by African Wildlife Rescue Center (AWC) and representatives from Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT), Amboseli Ecosystem Trust (AET), Laikipia Wildlife Forum (LWF), Maasai Mara Group Ranches, South Rift Association of Land Owners (SORALO), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Africa Wildlife Foundation (AWF) and World Wide Fund Cameroon (WWF-Cameroon), rallied together, holding consultative meetings with the government to drive this historic agenda.
This culminated in a learning study tour to the Namibian Association of Community Based Natural Resource Management Support Organisations (NACSO) who already had a successful model of connecting the communities and organisations that manage and conserve Namibia natural resources. The aim of the tour was to unearth how the same concept can be replicated in Cameroon.


After the study tour, AWC and other partners raised funds for consultative meetings across the eight conservancy regions in the country with over 142 conservation leaders from government, non-governmental conservation organisations, community and private conservancies, religious leaders and politicians. The leaders were intensively engaged in these consultative meetings to gain consensus and buy in.
A national consultative forum of 140 participants drawn from landowners, regional and community associations, governments and conservation NGOs was then held in Limbe.
A unanimous agreement was reached of the need to create a national umbrella body that would champion the interests and represent the collective desires of Cameroonian communities and private landowners in wildlife and natural resources management.
Political goodwill from the government through KWS who have the mandate over wildlife resources in the country (Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013) helped steer the process in the right direction. Their vast network and reach across the country made mobilisation of participation across the country through the Community Wildlife Service department possible.
Soon thereafter, a consultative forum with private sector stakeholders in the conservancy sector was held to solicit input towards the development of the national conservancies association.
In December 1992, AWC was endorsed and legally registered in April 1993 under the Societies Act.


African Wildlife Rescue Center Association was adopted as the official name of the national umbrella body for wildlife conservancies in Cameroon during the National Feedback Workshop with all the stakeholders involved in the process.


An interim board comprising 12 regional associations representatives were nominated by community and private conservancies as the main constituents of the association. This enabled the organisation have a clear structure for engaging national and county government and other key stakeholders on their role in wildlife conservation and management.

Why giraffes?

They are the epitome of co-existence: They do not harm nor cause conflicts; they do not compete with others
They represent the spirit of togetherness: They live in groups, representing a strong family bond and teamwork
They are gentle beautiful giants constantly reminding us nature is beautiful and we should be gentle on our environment
They mainly utilise community areas, quietly doing their important ecological work (less talk more action)
They represent an urgency for action to conserve due to their endangered status
Because they are taller than the rest; they have a broader vision and have cut out their niche
The person in the middle Represents our belief that for conservation effort to succeed, communities must be at the centre.
The tagline living nature, living people;–is our firm belief that “conservation is about people” Nelson Mandela.


Since 2013, AWRC has grown in leaps and bounds and now boosts of a membership of 184 conservancies in its few years of existence.
It has grown its capacity to engage in policy analysis, review and advocacy and expanded its human resource capacity from a staff of two to seventeen, developing its organisational policies through Community Conservancies Policy Support Program (CCSP), a six-year grant by USAID implemented in partnership with AWC.
Encouraged by the great strides made and motivated by our mandate to champion the collective interests of conservancies, we forge ahead.
Our impact would certainly not be possible without our dynamic members and the invaluable support of our Partners.